New Knowledge for the New World




The book provides answers to some of the most important questions that every human being ought to know. Solving the great jigsaw puzzle of life and dispelling superstitions, blind faith and misunderstandings, the book is essential reading.

Listed below are just some of the questions the book answers:

  • Who am I?
  • What is my true identity?
  • If we are souls, do we undergo rebirth, or do we experience only one lifetime?
  • Can death come to the soul? Where do I go when I die?
  • Does the law of karma (action and reaction) operate to ensure that everyone sooner or later gets his just desserts, or is the universe unjust and mere chance?
  • Is time linear or cyclic, predestined or open-ended?
  • Is there an absolute scale of values of right and wrong?
  • Is the present society the pinnacle of human civilization or has it reached its lowest point?
  • Is human perfection possible to achieve, and if so, is there a clear way to go about achieving it?
  • How did life originate?
  • Who were the ancestors of the human race?
  • Does the theory that the world started from nothing and suddenly there was a ‘big bang’ which gave rise to all the celestial bodies and galaxies stand up to logic and common sense?
  • Since we as humanity have not succeeded in establishing peace in the world, even after many Nobel Peace prizes being awarded, are we doomed forever?

In chapter four you will receive the greatest introduction of all – the accurate introduction to God. It is a profound journey into understanding the concept of God and our connection with Him. It emphasizes the importance of knowing God as He truly is, amidst the plethora of theories and beliefs about the divine. While some may find guidance and inspiration through intermediaries, this book inspires and points out a path of establishing a direct connection with God, without any intermediaries. You are a child of God, He is your Father, and therefore you have a right to His treasures.

This world drama, in which we are all actors, is one of unparalleled pageantry, of 8 billion souls interacting with themselves, with matter and with God. This book is a story of human souls, their rise and fall, victory and defeat, happiness and suffering, wisdom and ignorance, freedom and bondage. It explains that the drama is eternal, no beginning, no end, but is renewed when it is old and degraded at the end of every cycle of 5000 years, by the direct intervention of God. The book also addresses questions on religion, especially Hinduism. It explains that many Hindu Festivals are memorials of some of the most important events in world history. The impact of this new knowledge on existing theories such as the creation of the world is explored taking you on a journey through the cycle of eternity.

About the Author: Kribbs Naidu
Kribbs Naidu is a Political Science Major from the University of South Africa and a post-graduate of the University of KwaZulu-Natal. He has been a student of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University since 1994. His background in both political science and spiritual studies is a unique combination. His diverse experiences in the corporate world, trade unions, politics, and civic organisations has provided him with a well-rounded perspective on various societal issues. He attributes his true education to the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University