Peace Time for Teenagers


Creative meditation and positive thinking for teenagers



Creative meditation and positive thinking for teenagers
Ages 13-18
By Sara Albion

Create your own sacred space…go on a journey to a foreign land…fly high above the world and leave your problems behind…discover your own inner source of peace…

The teenage years can be a difficult and challenging period of life. Peer pressure, school work, exam pressure, bullying, concerns about self-image and worries about the future can all lead to increased levels of stress. Stress can have a negative effect on our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Stress can lead to headaches, anxiety, poor concentration and a range of other problems.

Meditation and positive thinking are tools that can be used to overcome the negative effects of stress and create a peaceful, positive state of mind. Meditation allows us to spend time exploring our inner world of peace and silence. In silence, we can discover our own source of peace, happiness and love. Through meditation, we can learn to re-awaken and re-emerge these qualities from within.

Peace Time for teenagers offers a simple introduction to the art of meditation and positive thinking for teenagers. It also contains a range of meditation commentaries designed to create a peaceful and positive state of mind and develop self-esteem and self-worth

About the author
Sara Albion is a mother, a qualified chef and a student of Raja Yoga meditation. She is currently working in childcare with children aged 6 weeks to 12 years old and has completed her Diploma in Children’s Services.
Sara has practised meditation for several years and has travelled to India several times to deepen her spirituality. She has also facilitated workshops for both children and parents-particularly around the themes of creating a better world and self-esteem.

As a mother, she is aware of the issues which affect children and teenagers in today’s world. In creating this book, she hopes to assist teenagers in creating a peaceful, positive state of mind and in developing a strong sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

Book is 17 x 25cm