Weekly Guided Meditations

Experience the amplified power of meditating in a group

It is easy to skip a planned meditation in your own home. Committing to attending a weekly, guided, group meditation creates a consistent and strengthening habit. The carefully designed guidance sessions offered once a week at all Brahma Kumaris venues throughout the country will deepen your meditation experience and your spiritual insights. Besides, EEG records apparently indicate that people’s brainwaves synchronize while meditating in a group.

Research on the power of group meditation has been ongoing for several decades, and the results seem to validate what the ancient sages said, that there is greater peace in the vicinity of the enlightened.” – Deepak Chopra



  • A deepening meditation practice
  • Increased calm and peace
  • Bolstered physical and mental resilience
  • Personal transformation
  • Spiritual growth
  • Enhanced sense of community and reduced loneliness


Who is this for?

If you can sit in quiet, inner contemplation, mindfulness or meditation for an hour, then this is for you. 

All Brahma Kumaris events are offered free of charge, in a welcoming, safe and non-judgemental environment. All are welcome! Donations are appreciated, but not required.

Please check our monthly calendar of EVENTS to see if and when this particular offering is available at a centre close to you. If not, and you would like to see it presented in your suburb, town or city or at your organisation, please send us a message via the form at the bottom of this page.

Brahma Kumaris is a registered non-profit organization NPO 066-100. 



Administrative Head Office:

28 Judith Street, Observatory
Johannesburg, 2198,
South Africa
TEL +27 66 495 1367

E-Mail Us



Receive monthly events for the centre closest to you. We will process your personal data in line with the GDPR requirements and always store it securely and use it only for the purpose for which it has been collected. We will not pass on your details to any third parties without your consent.


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