Brahma Kumaris offers a framework for a life-changing experience. By exploring and discovering the most fundamental question of all, “Who am I?”, we develop a sense of self-mastery that allows us to stay in charge of our lives. The blame game finishes. A deepening spiritual awareness gradually breaks open the cage of illusions. We regain responsibility for creating our own lives. The present becomes a real present, a gift. We do this by becoming adept in four areas of study:
- The study of spiritual knowledge
Universal truths, regarding the nature of the soul, God and the impact of a close relationship between the two, create a context for our spiritual endeavour. This understanding helps us master the ongoing flow of experiences we call life.
- The practice of Raja Yoga meditation
Raja Yoga meditation offers a step-by-step process that helps us to focus on our deep inner strength and potential, which then begin to flourish and expand. In this meditation practice we see how silence is the real gateway to contentment. Silence takes us into a world of stillness, like pressing the pause button temporarily on the film of our life, so that we can re-discover who we really are.
- The conscious assimilation of virtues
Through this we learn that real spirituality is to be able to practise virtues in adverse circumstances. This enhances our self-respect.
We learn to master and understand the energy of love – in giving, not in taking. We learn to naturally focus on our own and others’ virtues, rather than defects. Relationships are healed.
- Serving others spiritually
The natural consequence of understanding spiritual truths, practising Raja Yoga meditation and inculcating virtues, is the wish to serve others. Serving is our highest vocation and fills us with a sense of purpose. Spiritual service to others is to help them stand on their own feet and make their own decisions. It is about empowering others so that they also see love, peace and happiness as their real treasures in the creation of their inner and outer worlds..
Important information about the offerings presented below
Click on the relevant image, below, for information about a particular course, workshop, retreat or event.
Not all of these offerings are available at every Brahma Kumaris Centre in South Africa and, if they are, the dates and times vary. So, please check our monthly calendar of EVENTS to find out what is offered at a centre close to you in any given month.
If you would like to see a particular course, workshop or retreat presented in your town or city, please send us a message via the form below.
Brahma Kumaris collaborates with non-profit, faith and community-based organisations, as well as with government departments and corporations. We serve hospitals, prisons, refugee centres, corporate wellness programmes, schools and more.
All Brahma Kumaris events are offered FREE of charge. Voluntary donations are appreciated.
Please always let us know if you plan to attend any event, so that we can plan accordingly.
The Brahma Kumaris Foundation Course in Meditation
Raja Yoga Meditation
A path to self-knowledge, inner peace, and personal power
Regular Events
Weekly Guided Meditations
Experience the amplified power of meditating in a group. Discover inner peace, clarity, and profound transformation.
Inspiring Talks
Experienced meditators share words of wisdom and support
World Peace Meditation Hour
Join millions around the globe in sending positive vibrations to our world
Mindful Kids
Experience the magic of an inward adventure. Discover mindfulness and inner peace with our engaging and interactive programs designed specifically for kids.
Conscious Cooking
A vegetarian cooking demonstration and exploration of the impact of our thoughts on the food we eat. Meal recipes included.
Lifestyle Development Courses
Building Self-Esteem From Within
Learn to feel great’ no matter what
Inner Leadership
Enhanced quality of thought, word, and presence
Positive Thinking
When we learn to control thoughts, we learn to be in control of and not at the mercy of external circumstances
Living with Dignity and Hope
Understanding who you really are makes all the difference
Overcoming Anger
Reclaim your power to choose a response…
Stress Free Living
Yes! You can learn to put your mind at ease…
One-Day Retreats
Silent Retreat
A time to reconnect with your soul
Specialist Offerings
Climate Change
Awakening the Dreamer
A workshop to engage institutions in the most urgent questions of this age
Yogic Farming
Impacting the environment with our words, thoughts and intentions
Wellbeing for Educators
Journeying within to prevent burnout and stress …
Men's Wisdom Circles
Weekly conversations about things that matter
Care for the Carer
Relieves stress and prevents burnout
Women of Spirit
Empowering conversations
Youth Power
A weekly opportunity to explore your inner strength and become your best self
Annual Events
Human Rights Day
Commemorates the attainment of democracy in South Africa on 21 March each year
Youth Day
Celebrating the role of youth in the liberation of South Africa, on 16 June every year
International Yoga Day
Celebrating the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of yoga on 21 June each year
Nelson Mandela Day
Celebrated internationally each year on 18 July – Mandela’s birthday
National Women's Day
9 August draws annual attention to issues faced by women in Africa
International Day of Peace
Celebrating International Day of Peace annually, on 21 September.
International Day of Non-Violence
Observed internationally on 2 October – the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi
International Day of Tolerance
An annual event in honour of
International Day for Tolerance
on 16 November
New Year's Eve Meditation
Take stock of the old year and set an intention for the new one on 31 December

Brahma Kumaris is a registered non-profit organization NPO 066-100.
Administrative Head Office:
28 Judith Street, Observatory
Johannesburg, 2198,
South Africa
TEL +27 66 495 1367